Our journey

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Friday, November 6, 2009


Yesterday, I finally had my Labor Board case heard by a judge. The Compton's/Eaton Steakhouse conceded in the case and the judge awarded me the total amount of my final paycheck, plus the NSF fee's accrued from the bounced checks, and interest! All in all, I was awarded $950.37. The process from beginning to end took 10 minutes tops. I should receive my first payment on December 30, 2009 and my second payment on January 15, 2010. (Let's hope these checks don't bounce too.) The restaurant finally shut its doors on October 23 but there are rumors floating around that they are planning on opening up again at another location down the street. Sadly, in this case, it is not the location that will cause them to fail, but the shear fact that they have no idea how to run a restaurant and that Mrs. Stephanie Compton is probably the world's worst accountant. I will be even more over-joyed when 8 months from my last day of employment I will finally be able to wash my hands of the situation for good. As far as I know, all the other employees with wage claims have been awarded their full payments too. It's an awesome thing when justice is served!

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