I'll admit it. I'm a weak-willed individual, especially when it comes to books. I finally broke. Caved in. Capitulated. I read the Twilight Series. There's more... I did it in 5 days. Yeah, I'm a little obsessive/compulsive when it comes to sequels, trilogies, and series. I insist that the series be complete before I begin so that if I find I enjoy what I'm reading I don't have to wait 9 months for the next addition. Think of it as delayed instant gratification. The down side is that I'm never a part of the first wave of excitement. With that said, I'm guessing that you've all already read the phenomenon but if you haven't then be warned: spoiler alert!

And then...

I know, random, right? I suppose Science-fiction is Science-fiction but still, how could one go from a lovey-dovey teenage vampire romance to.... this? I don't know what to say other than I am a sucker. Don't let the movie fool you (but you Twilight lovers already knew that didn't you?) this is another one of those cliche cases where the movie is nothing like the book. Somehow they were able to take a few names and one or two small events in the book and turn it into a movie of sorts. It sadly didn't do the tiny 200 page book justice. It's an interesting thought if you take the idea of a having a permanent military to the next level. What happens when you create a civilization and economy that is dependent on military? I'm not talking about the military governments that we already have. I'm talking about a democratic military government where your citizenship depends on if you serve in the military. It's an interesting idea and Robert Heinlein does a really good job.
And then this book may seem even more random but oddly enough, it ties perfectly into the last 5 books.

Brian McLaren proposes an interesting theory. Perhaps, we are not so far away from what Robert Heinlein wrote about back in the 1960s. Perhaps, we are a part of a suicidal social machine that is running out of control, consuming our natural resources at an alarming rate, dumping destruction in its wake and forgetting that every person regardless of his nationality, race, gender, religion, or country affiliation is important, worthy of love, respect, and is to be taken care of. Isn't that part of what the draw to Twilight is all about? We all want to be loved and taken care of unconditionally in a way that has no bounds and yet is healthy and sustainable. Isn't that what Jesus wanted for us too? McLaren's book is fascinating and has undoubtedly changed the way I see people and the message of Jesus to the world.
I'm not sure what I'll be reading next month. I'll be starting on Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand today. I've put it off a little too long. I'm hoping to get in some historical works and maybe a little more classic literature too. I'd love to hear about what you've been reading. As I said before, I'm a bit of a sucker and easily swayed! :)
Sorry too many errors in the last one. I think I was typing too fast!
Good synopsis. I mean since I haven't read the Vampire books. I finished a book by Sheri Dew. No One Can Take Your Place. It was pretty good. Religious though. Then I just finished Farenheit 451 today. I couldn't remember the ending, only that I didn't like it. I'm still on the fence with it. It could have ended better. My next one is a church book. Finding Light in a Dark World by Elder Faust. Then I'm going to tackle The Fountain Head. I'll let you know what I think. Happy Reading!
I'm not sure if I liked the way Fahrenheit ended either other than he found freedom and truth and another revolution waiting to happen. Sounds like some good books! I can't wait for you to read The Fountainhead! I hope you fall in love with it.
Loved your review of the Twilight series. I've read and reread the series about 3 times and Eclipse is my absolute favorite. I hate Breaking Dawn and I hated New Moon the first time but have since come to like it alright. I LOVED the movie New Moon...it was GREAT and can't wait for Eclipse to come out the end of June. All that being said, I am a true Harry Potter girl at heart. LOVE the Harry Potter series and can read those books over and over and over again. :)
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