Day 3
My Mom

My Mom has given me everything. I could not have asked for a better Mom. She never gives herself enough credit because she's really smart, has a great sense of humor, and can accomplish just about anything that she sets her mind to. It is through her guidance, love, and nurturing that I am able to be as she says "an island in the middle of the ocean".
Day 4
I could not have been blessed with a better Dad! Even though he's been gone for a just a little more than a year now, I can still hear his little bits of advise, love, and kindness in some of the quietest moments. He was my model of faith, justice, and integrity. And because of him, I probably tell the lamest jokes in the world and think they are hilarious!
Oh how I remember this day. You were not happy with all of the fanfare given to you for your first day of school. I remember the little scrunched up face that wanted EVERYONE, including your dad, to STOP saying all those gushy things about how pretty you looked and how much fun you would have at school.
Geeze....we both cried as you walked down the hill to the bus. (You never knew that though!)
Where would we be without our parents?
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