Has anyone heard of dog puzzles before? I was unaware that they existed or what they were. After watching the puppy DVD that our Vet gave us with some free food, I discovered that there are toys out there that entertain your dog and makes him work for a treat. Where do I find such a wonderful invention, I pondered? So off to PetSmart I go! After wandering up and down a few dog toy isles, I discovered the "Buster FoodCube: The original food dispensing toy for dogs."

It's incredibly easy to use and Davey caught on really quickly. It took him about 30-45 minutes to get every last bit of treat out of the cube and spent most of his time pouncing on it and kicking it around like a soccer ball. This is by far his favorite toy. I posted a video of him playing with it for the first time.
I'm really interested in some other games to play or ideas that I can use to keep him entertained and mentally challenged so that he won't chew up everything. He has taken well to his kennel and pretty much has the potty-training thing down, so my next challenge will be to get him to stop using our bodies as his personal chew toy. I'm up for any suggestions.
OH He's still so dangly and cute! THis is a good toy. We don't have it but when you find something they like it usually lasts a month or two to keep them occupied. As for him not chewing you, I have zero suggestions. I would put socks on my hand so that it didn't hurt as bad.
that is so darn cute! That's cool! I've never heard of those before but I also have never had a dog. It really looks like your dog like it though.
When he nips or chews on you pull back everyonce in a while like it hurts really bad a yelp out ouch and hold your hand in toward your body. The dog sees it has hurt you and starves for attention so he learns hurting you is bad. This really works well but then you also have to stop playing the my hand is a toy and attacking him game...
We have used a "kong" for Sisko before. Basically, it is a ball with a hollow center that you put the treat in. Sometimes we would shove some peanut butter down in it too. I'm no dog expert, but he should outgrow the using you as a chew toy once all his puppy teeth start to fall out. I have yet to meet a puppy who didn't do the same thing. :) Davey is so cute. :)
Em- um...don't think I'll be using your advise about turning my soft flesh into a hand puppet but thanks anyway Sis. :)
Tommy- well, you hit the nail on the head. It's time to stop the aggressive-hand-attack game. That's usually when my hands get tasted the most.
Stacy- can we trade? I'll take your cute little one for a day or so and you can have mine? I highly recommend getting a pet. At least one during your life time.
Corey- I've always wondered if the Kong worked and now I think I'll go out and get one today. I've been trying to remember what it was like with our first Great Dane but I was a little kid like Sadie. I know you're right and it's nice to hear that this won't last forever. Only four more weeks until his teeth start to fall out!
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