For the previous week, all anyone could talk about was the blizzard that we were suppose to get on Friday, March 27 and Saturday, March 28. Throughout the week the reports from the Weather Channel kept getting worse and worse and all the warnings were predicting 8-15 inches of snow in a 24 hour period with really high winds. Almost all the schools cancelled class for Friday and I would say that most of business were closed by 2 PM. This is what we woke up to on Saturday morning:
All that snow is pretty much level from the top of our driveway out to the street. This was taken around 2 PM on Saturday and the snow had already begun to melt on the roof and a little bit on our stone retaining wall. The only way we could get out of the house was through our back door. Here's our front door:

That's about a foot and a half of hard compacted snow and ice that had drifted against the house. We were first drenched in freezing rain, then snow, then freezing rain, then snow. It made great snow balls and you could walk on it pretty easily without breaking through. It was a killer to shovel! This is one of my favorite pictures because every single leaf is completely surrounded by ice.

Here's a close-up of our ice-covered tree. I'm pretty sure that it won't bloom again and I'm hoping that it will recover quickly and green up again after being frozen.

Our neighbors, Veronica and Robert, invited us over for brunch that morning and we almost never say no to food. Afterwards, they all made a snowman while I took pictures of the house and then I made this snow angel in the other neighbors yard. It kind of hurt my head because the snow was so darn hard and I really had to work to get snow angel wings, but the neighbor kids thought it was great fun to watch.

Here's Veronica and Robert (we call him Babby because we already have another Robert that lives down the street) next to the unusually large-headed snowman. Aren't they cute?!! Notice that Babby is holding Veronica's hand. What's up with that? It's like their newly-weds or something. :)
After all the fun was to be had we all grabbed our shovels, and as if we were good little Amishmen, worked as a community to shovel out every one's driveway with Jana and Robert (our other neighbors) taking the lead. When everything was finished Jana and Rob came over for dinner (chicken tostada's) and a movie (The Red Violin). I think this turned out to be probably the best snow day I've ever had!
WOW! That's some serious snow. It's so strange to see snow right now since it was like 84 degrees here today...VERY windy but plenty warm. Glad you made the best of it though.
AHHH!! I LOVE all the snow! I'm still remembering our snow day this past winter...I think the mountains are calling me...:) I also loved the pic with the leaves surrounded by ice..beautiful.
Mindy- I still can't get over all the snow myself, especially since it was all gone by the end of the next day as if nothing ever happened.
Corey- Doesn't it seems like the fun stuff of winter never seems to last long enough and the dreary, boring days linger too long?
I'm glad you liked the pictures!
These are so cool! I can't believe you guys are still getting snow! I'm very impressed by the snow angel and snowman. It's good to see communities that are still normal too!
So fun! The picture of the leaves on the tree is super cool! Loved the snow angel and snowman! I love the snow! it looks like you had fun
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