Our journey

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Saturday, September 25, 2010


I'd like to say that life has been crazy here in Kansas, but that would be a stretch of the imagination. The garden has since given us the best that it could possibly give and is in the final throws of the growing season. Some time back in July I was going to say something creative and interesting about the next 3 pictures but must have been distracted and never got around to it. I happened to stumble across this in the Edit Posts section so I'll give it a shot.

So this beauty of a thunderhead was amazing to watch. It never came near our home and I'm pretty sure that it didn't drop a single ounce of rain anywhere near Kansas. I wish that the camera would have caught the exact color. The reds were so purple and the grays were so blue and then the tippy top was this beautiful bright creamy white. I took this while sitting on our back porch while Alex made dinner. It slowly grew bigger for about 45 minutes but never moved. I remember that there was barely a breeze that night. Another thing I really like about summer is how long the day light lasts. I took this picture at almost 9 PM.

While I was outside starring at clouds, Alex was inside making dinner. The summer squash, green onion, sweet cayenne pepper, green bell pepper, and thyme came from our garden. Alex sees these things and sees "potential". I look at these things and see "ingredients for a recipe". That pretty much sums up our culinary differences in creativity. Which is why I have a very hard time even imagining this without some necessary guidance:

I'm not sure exactly what he did. I think he grilled the squash and some other stuff and added olive oil and sprinkled love and fairy dust and wah-lah! our tasty dinner was born. All I really remember was that it was delicious and we've had grilled squash several times since then. I like it best with balsamic vinegar. 

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