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Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I busted my pinkie toe last night. I caught it on the coffee table while running around the living room. It took a good 15 minutes to catch my breath. I've got to say, I've learned a few lessons since then.

Karma Lesson # 1: I immediately heard the echos of my parents childhood warnings of why I shouldn't run in the house. It turns out that Mom was right.

Karma Lesson #2: What goes around, comes around. For all the little toes I've stepped on in the past I now have a painful reminder of my own.

Karma Lesson #3: Pinkie toenails are a little over-rated. Or at least they are for the moment. The impact of the crash sheared my clean off. What you see here is one pinkie toe, twice the width as it used to be with the circular remnants of what will probably grow back in 2-3 months.



Jacob and Emily said...

Now you and Davey are twins! I hate the stubbed toe feeling. How did your tests come out? Running is good for you. If your knees hurt (not that you said they did) but if they do it could be your shoes.

Mandy and Alex said...

It could be my shoes, but my knees have been shot since right after high school. It's not unusual to hear them crack and pop when I walk up stairs. I had lots of bouts of tendonitis in high school. Still waiting to find out how I did on my mid-terms. I have one more on Monday.

CB said...

Your poor toe! Looks sooo painful...is it broke or just banged up real good?

Mandy and Alex said...

Well, I can move the toe but it's still really sore to the touch. I took the picture of my toe about a half hour after I banged it. I should have posted a picture from day 2 or 3. But back to your question, I probably just banged it up again for the 100th time in a row. Really, I'm just waiting for the thing to give up and fall off- that's how often I catch it on something.