The snow from Christmas Eve finally melted about two weeks ago. I think we were the last house in the neighborhood to have some left in our yard. After that we had 2 full days of fog which I think is the neatest thing. When it finally cleared it left behind hoar frost every where. I took other pictures of the frost but this one turned out the best.

We had some beautiful weather the other day. It was in the mid-50's for sure. Just warm enough to tease you into thinking that spring was coming soon. Nope. Not a chance. The weather forecast said that on Thursday at 6 PM the snow would start to fall and right on the button it did. Of course, the amount of snow fall kept decreasing but in the end we had quite a bit of soft powdery snow all over the place. So much that school was cancelled yesterday, even for us college kids! Aren't snow days wonderful! There wasn't too much wind this time so our snow dunes were pretty high. In some areas of our yard, we have a little more than a foot of snow and in other places about 3 inches. For the most part, I would have to say that we got a good solid 8 inches this time with no ice. Davey is in heaven. No pictures this time of the snow. I figured it would look the same as all the other snow pictures I have posted before.
I'm just about to begin week 3 at school. This semester already seems a million times easier than the previous one. The two tasks I am not thrilled about doing is a 15 page research paper for my Theology class and making a trip down to Oklahoma City to go to the Historical Archives to do my Kansas History research project. It's not the research part that bothers me, it's the trip itself. It's only an hour and a half a way but I'm trying to look for a job and if I get one I'm not sure how I will fit it in if I do find work. I guess everything will work itself out in the end.
In my free time I've been trying to find ways to amuse myself. I can only read so many books and watch so many movies and take so many walks, you know. So last Saturday, I strapped my empty backpack on Davey to see if he'd like it. Not so much. He bucked up and down like a green horse for 2 minutes and then just froze and stared at us.

Probably because Alex and I were laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Look at his poor tail. He's not hurt by any means, except for maybe his doggy pride. I think he would have stood there like that forever until I took the backpack off. As soon as it was off, he was as right as rain. Oh the things I do to pass the time!