Our journey

Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I usually make a pretty hearty-elaborate breakfast on Saturday or Sunday mornings. Sometimes I ask Alex what he wants or how he wants an item prepared to maximize happiness and contentment. His responses are almost always the same. Except for today.

Me: Hey honey? How would you like your eggs?

Alex: Proud, and pronounced with a teasingly running yoke.

Me: (Silently stare with head slightly tilted)

Alex: (Disappointed look and with pouty lips) Sunny side up.

Me: (pure laughter)

I suppose this is what happens when a husband watches too much Master Chef and a string of Jane Austen movies.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Be Mine

                                           For God so loVed the world
                                                   that He gAve
                                                        His onLy
                                                                     That whosoever
                                                    believeth In Him
                                                       should Not perish,
                                                    but have Everlasting life.
                                                                                            -John 3:16